Reasons You Should Add a Community Page to Your Real Estate Website
Is your website a valuable resource full of information on the communities you serve? Or a better question might be, why should your website be a resource for your community? Here are two major reasons you want to be the “social mayor” of your community.
Lengthen the List of Reasons to Visit Your Website.
Sellers are only interested in a REALTOR® when they are considering selling their home. That process is normally only a few months. It peaks when you actually list their home and they are able to look at their listing live on your website. After the sale, there is no reason for that home seller to return to your website until they are going to sell again.
A home buyer might have more reasons to stay on your website. Initially, a buyer would be starting their home search. Stats say that a home buyer typically starts searching online for homes 6 to 8 months before making a purchasing decision. Those statistics also say that consumers are 69% more likely to take action on a website if local information is easy to find there. A buyer will remain on your website to find information on you, the real estate agent.
Today’s internet-empowered home buyer will look to your website, blog, and social media to determine whether you will be a good fit for helping them find a home. They will continue to visit your site through the home buying process. But, if you have no local community information they have no reason to return after they’ve purchased a home.
Adding community information helps to keep your website pertinent to people when they are not in either the buying or selling phase. It helps to solidify you as the community expert. Most buyers and sellers want information about the local community.
In order to stay top of mind to your clients after they have bought or sold with you, you have to continue to provide them with valuable information. Becoming your community’s “social mayor” is the perfect way to do that.
Leveraging Relationships
If you take to the streets of your community, in an attempt to build online content, you have the ability to leverage relationships with the local business owners. This is important because these business owners can become your advocates. Advocates help to build your business.
As an example, if you feature the local coffee shop in your blog, let the owner know. That owner is going to be thankful for the shout out and might help you by telling patrons to use your real estate expertise. It is a great way to expand your network in your local community.
There are many ways to feature local businesses and events. You can run a contest that gives away a gift card to a great local restaurant or a free car detailing at the local body shop. Contests are a great way to create buzz for your clients and build relationships with business owners.
Becoming the “social mayor” of the communities you serve is a great way to build your business and your brand. It is also a great way to continuously add new content, which Google loves.
The pros at Get Writtn can help with your local community content, so you can be out there doing what you love, selling real estate and helping clients. Reach out to us here.